Defending civil society |
Defending civil society |
Digital Security |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Strenghtening global democratic norms |
Plenary Session: Conversation on “Understanding the Global Assault on Democracy” |
Research Workshop: The Global Campaign Against Democratic Norms |
How to Conduct Innovative Issue-Based Mobilization among Youth? |
Panel Discussion: Preparing Civil Society for its Role in Successful Transitions, Protecting New Democracies, and Guarding Against Extremist Movements |
Public Participation and Government Services: How to Root Democracy in the Daily Lives of Citizens? |
How Can Economic Reforms Contribute to Democratic Renewal and what do Leaders Need to Know? |
Engaging Effectively with Global Initiatives to Defend Civic Space |
Active Citizen Engagement in Public Policy Making: Elections as an Entry Point |
How Can Local Governments Provide Space for Democratic Development and Protection of Human Rights? |
Regional Workshop |
Regional Workshop |
Regional Workshop |
Regional Workshop |
Regional Workshop |
Regional Workshop |
African Democracy at Risk: Averting Recession, Promoting Progress |
Asia Democracy Forum of the ADN: The State of Democracy in Asia—Challenges and Opportunities for Civil Society |
Central and Eastern Europe: How Can Civil Society Respond to Russia’s Efforts to Hinder Democratic Transitions and European Integration? |
Shrinking Space for Civil Society in Eurasia: Clash of Values, Authoritarian Trends, and Regional Context |
Latin America and the Caribbean: Ideas for Innovative Activism |
Middle East and North Africa Regional Workshop |
Defending civil society |
Defending civil society |
Digital Security |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Strenghtening global democratic norms |
Network of Democracy Research Institutes (NDRI): The Global Authoritarian Challenge |
Beyond the Usual Suspects: Engaging Artists in Civic Space Advocacy |
Panel Discussion: Digital Threats against Civil Society and Potential Solutions |
How to Move Beyond “Negative” Peace? |
LGBTI Rights: Confronting Prejudice in Claiming Civic Space |
Plenary Session: Conversation on The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) Process on Closed Societies: What Can We Learn from the COI on North Korea? |
How Can We Use International Human Rights Mechanisms Effectively in Authoritarian Countries? |
How Can We Best Support Democratization from Outside the Country? |
Moving from Protest to Politics: How to Ensure Democratic Transitions in Fragile Contexts? |
Implementing Commission of Inquiry (COI) Reports on Closed Societies: The Case of the COI Report on North Korea |
Defending civil society |
Digital Security |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Preparing for successful transitions |
Strenghtening global democratic norms |
Panel Discussion: How Can Civil Society Respond to the Current Resurgence of Authoritarianism? |
Research Workshop: How Can New Technologies Help Ensure Free and Fair Elections? |
How Can we Best Address Threats against Minority Rights through Dialogue and Political Processes? |
Kleptocracy: Its Corrosive Impact on Democracy at Home and Abroad |
How Can Civil Society Help Secure Democratic Transitions in Unstable Contexts? |
Panel Discussion: Developing an International Action Plan to Renew Democracy: What do the Leaders and Citizens of Advanced Democracies Need to Do? |
Consultation for UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and of Peaceful Assembly: Best Practices for Managing Peaceful Protests |
Inter-Generational Dialogue: Creating Shared Values for a Sustainable Democracy Movement |
What are the Best Strategies for Expanding and Deepening Women’s Political Participation? |
Building Political Support for Independent Media: The Role of Civil Society |
Corporate Citizenship and Collaborative Governance |
Supporting Human Rights Defenders in Danger: Current and New Approaches to Regional and Global Assistance |
How Can Institutionalizing Post-Conflict Reconciliation Provide a New Path for Democracy |
How Can Education Help Cultivate Responsible Democratic Citizenship? |
Enhancing Democracy through Access to Open Data: What are the Roles of Civil Society and Media? |
How Citizen Movements Impact Political Parties and How Parties Can Respond |
How NGOs that Integrate Multi-Partisan Actors Can Improve the Quality of Democracy |