Partners West Africa Sénégal

Partners West Africa (PWA) – Senegal objective is to promote civil society organizations as credible partners in the promotion of peace, democracy, development, inclusive security and the rule of law in West Africa.  

World Movement to Host 9th Global Assembly in May 2018!

The World Movement is pleased to announce that its 9th Global Assembly, entitled “Building Strategic Partnerships for Democratic Renewal,” will take place on May 6-9, 2018 in Dakar, Senegal. Building on the World Movement’s 2015 statement, “A Call for Democratic Renewal,” the Assembly will bring together hundreds of leaders from civil society, political society, the…


The Youth Leadership and Democratic Transitions in Africa regional meeting was held on March 12-14, 2015 in Dakar, Senegal and brought democracy activists together to discuss the path forward for emerging African democracy movements. The meeting featured plenary sessions and workshops to discuss: the role of civil society and political society in building democracy movements;…

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