Detention of Prominent Cuban Political Prisoner Passes 100 Days
As has been widely reported, Cuba has detained dissident Jose Daniel Ferrer since October 1, 2019, without informing him of the charges against him or bringing him before a judge – a violation of the decades old United Nations resolution “Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment.” Principles 10 and 11 of that resolution require that any prisoner be promptly told of the charges against him/her, as well as his/her right to appear promptly before a judge. Ferrer is the leader of the democracy promotion group Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), and the Cuban government’s continued flouting of international legal norms has generated a large social media campaign under the hashtag #FreeFerrer, as well as statements by organizations such as Freedom House. Check out the social media campaign here.