Financial Action Task Force (FATF): Public Consultation Aimed at Protecting Civil Society Organizations from Money Laundering Abuse

July 15, 2024

Many governments around the world use counterterrorism and money laundering as a pretext for introducing restrictive measures on civil society groups. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which leads global actions to tackle money laundering, terrorism, and proliferation financing, is welcoming input from practitioners, experts, and stakeholders from the civil society sector and financial institutions to update its guidance on National Risk Assessments (NRA). Countries around the world use NRAs to identify, assess, and understand the money laundering and/or terrorist finance risks they face. Updating the guidance is an opportunity for civil society groups to ensure that the NRA and counter-terrorism measures do not hinder civil society’s ability to access and receive funds.

Click here to learn more about FATF’s guidance on NRA. Submissions deadline: 22 July 2024, 18h00 CET.