Central / Eastern Europe
Latin America / Caribbean
Middle East / North Africa
North America
South America
Western Europe
Fundación Paz y Reconciliación (Pares) is an NGO that works to promote peace, reconciliation, and democracy in Colombia
Executive Director of Transparencia Venezuela, chapter Transparencia Internacional en Venezuela (International Transparency in Venezuela). Transparencia Venezuela has focused in preventing and decreasing corruption in Venezuela for 14 years.
Raul Peñaranda is a Bolivian journalist and analyst. Until February 2017, he was the Editor of Fides, a bolivian news agency (ANF) and currently he is a Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, in Washington DC. Peñaranda was founding director of three newspapers: Nueva Economía (1993 ), La Época (2001) and Página Siete (2010), now one of the most important newspapers in Bolivia.
The Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) is a private, non-profit and non-partisan foundation, founded on February 26, 2003 registered before the Inspección General de Justicia in Buenos Aires, Argentina. CADAL’s mission consists on research, dissemination and support to the respect of civic, political and economic liberties. For this objective, CADAL prioritizes the defense and strengthening of democracy as a cornerstone of economic and social progress, and the international promotion of human rights.
Executive director of Fundacion Pachamama, an Ecuadorian NGO dedicated to protecting the rain forest and advancing the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin.
reAcción Paraguay is an NGO that uses civic education, technology, and grassroots mobilization to enable young leaders to wield power strategically and promote change by demanding accountability from the government, particularly in the education sector.
Guatemala Visible (GV) is a social movement that seeks to strengthen state institutions through citizen engagement, development of technology, and communication.
Misión Contribuir a generar ciudadanía, fomentar y promover a actores locales en el territorio hacia un desarrollo local sostenible, en el marco del fortalecimiento del proceso democrático. Visión Somos un factor institucional de desarrollo y un interlocutor en el ámbito local, regional, nacional e internacional que fomenta el desarrollo de la cultura democrática, mediante la innovación de procesos de cambio a nivel sociopolítico y económico.
Affiliated Regional/Thematic Network(s):
WMD – CIVICUS – REDLAD -ISC CD – REDCAMD – Mesa de Articulación Plataformas Osc de ALC – Foro Ciudadano de las Américas – Observatorio de la Alianza de Gobierno Abierto – Foro OSC de la Secretaria Iberoamericana – ESPACIO CÍVICO DE LA OEA
REDLAD is a plural platform for the promotion of democracy and for the dissemination and defense of human rights and the inclusion of populations in conditions of vulnerability, dispossession, invisibilization. It has 300 members and allies.
REDLAD’s current and previous Director has been part of WMD’s Steering Committee. REDLAD members have participated in WMD’s General Assemblies, and in regional consultations. At global Assemblies, REDLAD has helped to organize several workshops.
Transparency Electoral is an non-governmental organization committed to the promotion of democratic values and the achievement of transparent, fair, and equitable elections. Transparency Electoral analyzes and observes the electoral systems with the objective of guaranteeing the political rights of citizens in the electoral processes, for which it develops concrete actions in order to establish integral, transparent and equitable elections. It also makes recommendations in this regard, understanding that democracy is only strengthened when clean elections are held.
ICEFI is a think tank specialized in assessing fiscal policy in Central America. ICEFI produces analysis, publications and technical studies, and it works independently from governments, political parties and civil society organizations.
Founding Member, Executive Director and Dialogue Facilitator of Lakou Lapè, an organization dedicated to building peace in Haiti through conflict transformation, dialogue, inclusion and the promotion of human rights. Lakou Lapè’s strategy is to prepare and seek to empower local groups to take responsibility for conflict transformation in their neighborhoods. Lakou Lapè will multiply its outreach through these groups and serve as a hub for training, meetings and the dissemination of information while still delivering dialogues and mediation services as needed. To that effect it promotes the development of an independent facilitator group, the Institut pour la Recherche et l’Action pour la Paix (IRAP) which specializes in dialogue facilitation, mediation and negotiation. It also prepares and delivers dialogue processes.
Diario de Cuba is a digital communications platform that employs a collaborative Web 2.0 approach to practice and promote the freedom of information, opinion and analysis in Cuba, and to encourage cultural creation and the exchange of ideas among its citizens through the production and dissemination of independent news and contents.
El Centro de Documentación de Honduras es un organismo especializado que se dedica a recolectar, clasificar y divulgar toda la información necesaria para un mejor conocimiento de la vida económica, política, social y cultural de Honduras. También se dedica a la promoción y divulgación de los valores de la cultura democrática, la defensa del Estado de derecho y la construcción de una sociedad abierta, plural y tolerante.
Affiliated Regional/Thematic Network(s): El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).
SQUARE PREVENTION EXPERTISE is an Argentinian company formed by a group of professionals with experience in the prevention of money laundering and funding of terrorism. Its mission is to provide clients with advice for the design, implementation, and functioning of prevention systems and policies.
CEJIL works to defend people whose rights have been infringed in order to change and improve the pressing realities of those who live it. CEJIL prioritizes those who are most at risk – such as human rights defenders, children, and women.
The organization contributes to forming a generation inspired by the principles of the ’37, which activates the full functioning of the institutes of democracy and the Republic according to our National Constitution. It promotes human, cultural and economic development to improve the quality of life of the real people, through the fulfillment of objectives and statutory activities.
Affiliated Regional/Thematic Network(s):
Organización de Estados Americanos, Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia.
La misión de CICES es fortalecer la capacidad de gestión de los proyectos sociales, empresariales y políticos de jóvenes emprendedores de América Latina brindando información, formación y asesoramiento integral a las organizaciones a través de nuestro portal virtual y en forma presencial.
Affiliated Regional/Thematic Network(s):
Latin American Youth Network for Democracy (JuventudLAC).
Director of Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy. Social activist and social entrepreneur. Expert in civic education, youth empowerment and democracy strengthening. Professional in government and international relations.
Established in 1990, CEPIA is a non profit organization based in Rio de Janeiro that conducts educational and social intervention projects that empower women and youth. The organization conducts legal advocacy for public policies that incorporate a gender perspective, with a focus on issues of sexual and reproductive rights, violence, and access to justice. The organization has participated in several global assemblies. Its founder and Director, Jacqueline Pitanguy, was a member of WMD Steering Committee.
Affiliated Regional/Thematic Network(s):
Nuestra ong trabaja en todo América latina y tiene su sede en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar la institucionalidad democrática. Consagrar Elecciones Integras Justas y Equitativas.
Fondation Espoir is dedicated to the promotion of harmonious development and participatory democracy in the world, particularly in Haiti and The Caribbean, through training, organizational and community development, and social communications programs.
Lawyer with expertise in the not-for-profit sector, civil society, human rights and people with disabilities. Served as special adviser for the Minister of Government for the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil from 2011 to 2016.
CADAL’s mission consists of conducting and disseminating research and supporting civic, political, and economic liberties. For this objective, CADAL prioritizes the defense and strengthening of democracy as a cornerstone of economic and social progress, and the international promotion of human rights. CADAL organizes a conference marking the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Totalitarianism and publishes the Bertelsmann Transformation Index in Spanish.
Affiliated Regional/Thematic Network(s):
International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea (ICNK).
The Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) is a nonpartisan and nonprofit organisation dedicated to defending the rights of the most disadvantaged groups in society and strengthening democracy in Argentina.