Global Assemblies
The Assembly brings together hundreds of individuals across civil society, academia, media, and business sectors to share knowledge, build strategies, and connect to each other across cultural and regional divides.
Eleventh Global Assembly Report 2022Every two years, the World Movement’s Global Assembly provides a unique opportunity for engagement and collaboration. Global Assemblies offer World Movement participants the opportunity to take stock of the accomplishments they have made and the challenges they confront. The Assemblies function as a platform for the construction of new networks for mutual solidarity and support across borders. The dynamic events feature a wide variety of workshops, panel discussions, and unique opportunities to provide activists with an opportunity to meet face-to-face with like-minded individuals from different regions.
Additionally, the World Movement presents the Democracy Courage Tributes at the Assemblies, an award that acknowledges individuals, groups, and movements that have demonstrated extraordinary courage in their work.

The Tenth Global Assembly ““Towards Successful Transitions: New Opportunities and Emerging Challenges” was held virtually between April and July of 2021.
The Ninth Global Assembly “Building Strategic Partnerships for Democratic Renewal” was held in Dakar, Senegal from May 6-9, 2018.
The Eighth Global Assembly “Empowering Civil Society for Democracy and Its Renewal” was held in Seoul, South Korea from November 1-4, 2015.
The Seventh Assembly “Democracy for All: Ensuring Political, Social, and Economic Inclusion” took place on October 14-17, 2012 in Lima, Peru.
The Sixth Assembly “Solidarity Across Cultures: Working Together for Democracy” convened on April 11-14, 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Fifth Assembly “Making Democracy Work: From Principles to Performance” happened on April 6-9, 2008, in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The Fourth Assembly “Advancing Democracy: Justice, Pluralism, and Participation” gathered on April 2-5, 2006, in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Third Assembly “Building Democracy for Peace, Development, and Human Rights” congregated on February 1-4, 2004 in Durban, South Africa.
The Second Assembly “Confronting Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century” was held on November 12-15, 2000 in São Paulo, Brazil.
ReportInaugural World Assembly: New Delhi Conference
Building the World Movement for Democracy
Founding Statement, adopted by the New Delhi Conference, on February 17, 1999
We are democrats of different nations and cultures who have gathered in India, the world’s largest democracy, to consider how the prospect for democracy in the world can be advanced on the eve of a new millennium. It is our belief that the time has come for democrats throughout the world to develop new forms of cooperation to promote the development of democracy. Such cooperation is needed to strengthen democracy where it is weak, to reform and invigorate democracy even where it is longstanding, and to bolster pro-democracy groups in countries that have not yet entered into a process of democratic transition.
We welcome this gathering of delegates drawn from over 80 countries and from many different sectors to build a world movement for democracy. We affirm that the movement toward democracy is a process which a large number of countries are part of, and which no one country has completely achieved or applied consistently to itself or to others. While holding that the forms of democratic governance are plural (there being no single model of democracy to be followed), we have been inspired by the experiences of those who have been in the forefront of democracy movements in countries that have taken the democratic path in recent years.
Developing a movement of democrats from all regions of the world has become feasible today owing to the dramatic expansion of democracy during the past 25 years.
It has also become necessary–urgently so–as a means of responding to the unprecedented global interchange of people, ideas, and goods that has transformed the world. Only by successfully adapting to these new conditions can democrats remain an effective and influential worldwide force. The continued durability and dynamism of democracy globally requires a worldwide community of democrats–leading figures from politics, associational life, business, trade unions, the mass media, academia, and policy analysis organizations from all regions who are united by shared democratic values and a commitment to mutual support and solidarity.
The goal of building a worldwide movement for democracy presupposes the universality of the democratic idea. We believe that human beings aspire to freedom by their very nature, and that no single culture has a monopoly on democratic values. The tradition of democracy has been
enriched by contributions from many cultures, and the development of democracy is open to people everywhere. Neither the history nor the culture of a nation can justify violations of human rights, either directly by government or indirectly through mob or criminal violence. Even in countries where democracy is weak or nonexistent, the courage and self-sacrifice demonstrated daily by countless trade unionists, civic leaders, human rights and other pro-democracy activists eloquently affirm the principle of democratic universalism. Read the full statement.
Stay connected while you wait for the next assembly!
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