Oleksandra Matviychuk (Ukraine)
Oleksandra Matviychuk is a human rights lawyer and civil society leader based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Since 2007, she has worked at the Center for Civil Liberties, promoting human rights standards, building democracy, and fostering solidarity in Ukraine. She is also a member of the Advisory Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights of Ukraine’s national parliament. After the violent crackdown of peaceful demonstrations on Independence Square in Kyiv in November of 2013, Matviychuk coordinated the Euromaidan SOS civic initiative to provide legal assistance to victims of the violent crackdown. Since then, Matviychuk has led multiple international campaigns for the release of political prisoners such as the #letmypeoplego and #SaveOlegSentsov.
Matviychuk has received international praise and recognition for her efforts in defending human rights and democracy in Ukraine. In 2021 she was nominated to the UN Committee Against Torture and in 2022 The Center for Civil Liberties shared the Nobel Peace Prize for its “outstanding effort to document war crimes, human rights abuses, and the abuses of power.”