Originally published on Facebook. “For many of you, February 14th is Valentine’s Day. For me, it is important for an all together different reason. Because, February 14, 2019 is the 20th Anniversary of the World Movement for Democracy – a global body dedicated to the defense of our democratic values. So, congratulations to the membership,…
Originally posted on Facebook. Today is the World Movement for Democracy’s (WMD) 20th anniversary. It’s been an honor to be a part of this global movement since I became one of its fellows in 2015. The fellowship changed my life. Meeting civil society workers, human rights activists, and journalists from around the world—hearing about their struggles…
Widespread protests have rocked Caracas following the contested inauguration of President Nicolas Maduro on January 10, 2019. Many consider the election, which the opposition boycotted, to be illegitimate, and claim that his government has systemically dismantled the country’s system of checks and balances. Days after the inauguration, the leader of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó,…
As the crisis in Nicaragua reaches nearly a year, the World Movement remains heartened by actions taken by the international community to defend Nicaraguan citizens. Since protests broke out in April 2018, the World Movement has issued several DemocracyAlerts concerning the crisis in Nicaragua. To learn more about the past year’s events, read our Alerts…