ArtLords (Afghanistan)

ArtLords was established in 2014. It is a grassroots movement of artists and volunteers motivated by the desire to pave the way for social transformation and behavioral change through employing the soft power of art and culture as a non-intrusive approach

Maximilienne Chantal, Ngo MBE (Cameroon)

REDHAC covers 8 countries in Central Africa. The headquarters are based in Douala and Cameroon. Its objectives are to promote the human rights defenders status without discrimination, to train them on the regional and international mechanisms for their protection and to promote democracy (ICCPR, ACDEG). REDHAC is engaged in advocacy, protection actions, and supports activists…

Some, Kounkine Augustin (Burkina Faso)

Human rights lawyer with extensive experience in a range of protection issues. 15 years of experience in human rights monitoring, analysis and reporting, and capacity building for national institutions, NGOs, and CSOs.

Woods, Samuel (Liberia)

Liberia Law Society is a professional body committed to promote peace, justice and respect for the rule of law and new and innovative approaches to the myriad of national challenges. Founded in 2005 the Law Society intends to increase access to justice, facilitate strategic thinking and critical analysis of issues and seeks to offer workable…

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