Civil Society Initiative (CSI) (Iraq)

Civil Society Initiative (CSI) is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and not-for-profit human rights and advocacy organization established in 2004. Since its foundation CSI has focused on the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law, good governance, gender based violence and community development.

Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement (Egypt)

Our organization aims at enhancing people’s participation in political, economic and social affairs. We believe that the participation of well-organized peoples can make democratic changes and defend their rights and their freedoms. Our organization is a board members of Arab Network for Nongovernmental Development, Arab Network for Democratic Election, European Initiative for Women Rights, and…

Educational Society of Malopolska (Poland)

MTO is a multi-faceted non-governmental organization, which promotes a democratic and civic society by helping other organizations and individuals, including ethnic minorities and the disadvantaged. Founded in 1988 it was and still is very much concerned with the consequences of the political, economic and social changes in the world. MTO’s mission is to equip future…

Human Rights Center Viasna (Belarus)

Viasna’s mission is defending human rights to secure respect for them by the government and building a just and free society without discrimination, which is in the interests of everyone. Viasna is a member of FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights), ENEMO (European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations) and the World Coalition Against the Death…

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